Take a look at our guided walk video, Exploring the East End on Foot: from Bow Road to Bethnal Green. It’s in two parts, and takes a short while to load, so please be patient.
As we follow a walking route through Bow and Bethnal Green, we highlight some of the landmarks and stories to see along the way, such as suffragette Minnie Lansbury’s memorial clock, a murderer living in Tredegar Square, the greenery of Mile End Park, bridging into an old graveyard at Meath Gardens, the Cyprus Street war memorial and finishing off at Museum Gardens.
You can download a printed copy of the walk, including a map, directions and commentary here:
We were able to produce this video thanks to funding from the Can Do Community-Led programme, working with local video company Spotlight UK. Our hope is that local residents feel they’d like to go on to explore the route for themselves.
We’d love to hear your feedback on the video – good, bad or indifferent. It is a pilot, so we’re here to learn, after all. You can post your comments on YouTube, or get in touch with us directly.
If you’re a local community group, school or other organisation and would prefer a DVD copy of the video to screen at an upcoming meeting, then let us know. We have a limited supply of DVDs and would be pleased to find good homes for them, first come, first served.